
The Misfits Contest

Hello fellow Misfit!

Enter the Misfits Unified Collective Art Competition by posting images and/or a link to a video of your collective artwork along with a story explaining your team’s collective process here.
Misfits Unified will determine the monthly and annual winners based on the collectivity demonstrated in the project as well as the artistic merit of the artwork. Artwork of all kinds of media are welcome, whether it be a collective painting, sculpture, mosaic, wood or stone carving or carpentry project. The winner of a symbolic Misfits T-shirt will be announced each month and the initiator or another member of the winning team of the yearly prize gets to participate, all expenses paid ( including flights, food and accommodation ), in the first public collective art "Umbala!" project next year in the United States or Europe.

An opportunity to join us, to inspire other brother and sister Misfits out there, to collectively create together the first ever hand-sculpted adventure playground for all generations that is playable as a board game, providing hours and days of fun for all ages.

So go start making some art together with others, maybe with the help of our instructional, step-by-step sculpting and painting videos and post your results below! Sign up to be a Misfit or Log in to be able to post your art!